The Necromancer Cometh! Early Access Preview: Tower Defense of the Undead

The Necromancer Cometh! Early Access Preview: Tower Defense of the Undead

I got a chance to spend some time playing The Necromancer Cometh!, and I can honestly say that I’m quite pleased with what I found. If you’re like me and are a huge sucker for any Tower Defense game that can catch you in its clutches and refuse to let go, then you’re in the right place. The Necromancer Cometh! combines fascinating mazing techniques as well as awesome ‘towers’ and enemies to create a game that I honestly couldn’t put down. It’s one of those games that you don’t buy unless you’re ready to enjoy the heck out of it and want to play all the time. Let’s take a look at my firsthand impressions of The Necromancer Cometh!

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Choose Your Own Path, but Choose Wisely

The Necromancer Cometh! Wave
Image Source: Dang Rascals Studio LLC

The Necromancer Cometh! allows you to make your own choices and create the battlefield you want to with each passing wave in the campaign. This, to me, makes the perfect tower defense game, really. I have a soft spot in my heart for tower defense, but it always seems there’s something there that’s just a bit frustrating. Most of the time, that something for me is the fact that you can’t pick and choose where you put your defense units–well, not fully anyway. The Necromancer Cometh! does exactly that, and in a rather unique way too. Where you choose to set down your defense units actually dictates the path the enemies will take when they first emerge from the gate. That not only adds a bit of challenge, but it makes you think a bit more before mindlessly shoving muscle out onto the field to get the job done. It brings a certain amount of strategy and logic into the picture.

Defense Units, EVERYWHERE

The Necromancer Cometh! Archers
Image Source: Dang Rascals Studio LLC

One of the things I really enjoyed about The Necromancer Cometh! is the wide array of defense units that you can unlock and use on each map, with the addition of some useful units that already appear on any given map as soon as you begin your first wave. Not only are there impressive melee units that can boost the damage of adjacent units of the same type, but there are various ranged towers that produce interesting status effects on the enemies and even units that can boost everything in range without doing actual damage itself. If you really put your mind to work, you can come up with some pretty creative and deadly layouts for each unique wave.

Overall, I think The Necromancer Cometh! is a fantastic template for exactly what a tower defense game should be. I love the defense units and the variety that can be seen in them as well as the placement mechanics for each of them. This game gives so much more variety and choice to the player than your average tower defense does, and it’s very much a good thing.

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