BitLife: Mastering the Simpler Life Challenge

How To Complete the Simpler Life Challenge in BitLife

In a world that often glorifies complexity and constant hustle, BitLife introduces the Simpler Life Challenge, inviting players to explore the beauty of a more straightforward existence. This challenge encapsulates the essence of finding contentment in life’s basic joys, from the warmth of companionship with a beloved chihuahua to the humble occupation of a Roadkill Remover in Bolivia. Each task symbolizes a step towards embracing simplicity and appreciating the quieter moments amidst life’s chaos.

All Simpler Life Challenge Tasks

Simpler Life Challenge Tasks
Image source: Candywriter via The Gaming Cavern

Tasks in the Simpler Life Challenge:

  1. Born a female in California, easier said than done:
    Embark on your journey by entering the world as a female in the vibrant state of California. Experience the unique opportunities and challenges that come with this starting point, setting the foundation for your pursuit of a simpler life.
  2. Own a chihuahua, the best yappers around:
    Discover the unconditional love and companionship of a loyal chihuahua companion. Navigate through the pet adoption process, selecting a furry friend to accompany you on your journey towards simplicity.
  3. Achieve 100% looks, beauty is pain: Strive for perfection as you aim to attain 100% looks, whether through natural beauty or enhancements via plastic surgery. Embrace self-care and confidence-building exercises as you enhance your appearance to reflect your inner contentment.
  4. Emigrate to Bolivia, tropical: Embark on a transformative journey as you leave behind the familiar landscapes of California to embrace the cultural richness of Bolivia. Navigate the complexities of relocation and immerse yourself in a new environment filled with opportunities for growth and fulfillment.
  5. Become a Roadkill Remover in Bolivia, straight from the fender, flat and tender: Find purpose and meaning in the humble occupation of a Roadkill Remover in Bolivia. Embrace the simplicity of serving your community and contributing to the greater good through this essential yet often overlooked role.

Completing the Simpler Life Challenge in BitLife

  • Task 1: Begin your life in BitLife by customizing your character and selecting California as your place of birth.
  • Task 2: Navigate to the pet adoption section and choose a chihuahua as your faithful companion.
  • Task 3: Enhance your character’s appearance to achieve 100% looks through cosmetic procedures or character attribute adjustments.
  • Task 4: Explore the emigration options in the activities tab and select Bolivia as your new home.
  • Task 5: Search through the job listings in Bolivia until the opportunity to become a Roadkill Remover presents itself, embracing the simplicity and significance of this role.

Embark on the Simpler Life Challenge in BitLife and discover the profound beauty of embracing life’s simpler pleasures. May your journey be filled with moments of joy, growth, and fulfillment as you navigate the path toward simplicity and contentment.

BitLife is now available on mobile devices from the App Store and Google Play Store.

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